Wednesday, September 28, 2005

starting all over again

second day @ work, and its been busy from the moment i step in. i guess i came in at the right time, the financial year end closing; glad thats over. there's all more things to learn, and the job scope is so wide, i've hardly touched the surface yet....i think. well, the good thing is that the one i'm understudying is such a cutie, but she is leaving us to futher her studies, so i got till mid-oct to digest everything. then there's another sweet gal seated beside me, she's an intern who is on attachment, she is leaving end oct, pray and hope they will find a replacement for her, if not i've to take over her portfolio too, *sigh*. but other than that, its good to be back in a fast pace world where everything is a dateline, where even checking a sms is no longer a luxury, so i'll just reply to u guys during lunch. yes, finally having a proper lunch time although its not a fixed timing, so lunch can be at 2 pm too like today, as i was rushing some reports for my boss for her meeting later in the evening, so had lunch with her and her boss. good thign i wasn't bombarded with lots of questions. jsut ate my lunch quitely. ;p

still getting used to the nine to five working life again, been away from it for ten months but i guess nothing has changed; ppl still rush for an empty (feeder service) bus for a mere ten minutes ride. come on, before they can warm the side, it's their stop already; the bulk of them gets down before me. so i am still puzzled with all this rushing, is it just to get a seat or hoping that the bus will move out of the bus bay faster coz their late? beats me... well, things you can see in the neighbourhood. so, who are the people in your neighbourhood, in your neighbourhood, in your neighbourhood now... who are the people in your neighbourhood, the people that you meet each day, when you are walking down the street; so who are the people in your neighbourhood, the people that you meet each day....

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