Friday, September 09, 2005

i was a total nerd...

listening to 'luis miguel - un te amo'

have not heard from you today, guess you might are busy with your new house and stuffs. hope we cld see each other more often once you have settled down in your new house and me, in my new job. hope things will look brighter next month. maybe it will work out, maybe it won't but i hope we won't go on our separate ways if it doesn't, i would still wish to have you as a friend.

to my young padawan - yes, u're 16 only. u got your whole life ahead of you so don't waste it by worrying about some dumbass who knows shit about love at this age. all they want to do is to get in your pants, after that is done, they come with some lame excuses of breaking up. i could up with lots of lame excuses but i guess you have heard it already. you have lots of time for guys later on, my young padawan. they won't be disappearing from the face of the earth for next century or so. so chill with your friends and do he things you wanna do. enjoy life when it due to you! love ya lots gal, we will be here for you always! :)

guess i'll still be single till i die. just too lazy to go thru the whole cycle of getting to know someone. a gal once told me that when i told her that i was interested in her, but she was trying to work things out with her bf and don't want to go into the process again.well, the last i heard, things did work btwn them so thats good. i guess i did scare many gals away when i was young, i just didnt know how to approach them. my friend would tell me that they could smell it a mile away whenever i am interested in someone and it did freak the girl out and all the countless night i spent, crying in my sleep. life wasn't a bed of roses for me when i was young, i was too afraid to talk to the girls when i was young so i'll hang out with the guys which prompted one gal to ask me if i was gay! hell no!

i was a real late bloomer i guess. i was still getting the cane for coming home late after midnight till i was abt twnty-five. the thin ones are the bastards, they tear your skin open. the nights that i came home late was because of a gal that i was seeing, she was a child care teacher working part time at guardian pharmacy at the old yaohan orchard. she was introduced to me by my best friend. i wld hang around my work place till she ends at half past ten. pick her up, have dinner and send her home, we would spend some time at her void deck, sometimes way past the last trains; a cab ride was a common thing to me twice a week. then one fine day, she breaks the news that she still loves her bf who is in australia studying and she is waiting for him to come back. so yea, i saved on cab fares and got home early. the next gal i met thru a friend lived in toa payoh very near my old place, the ending was very much the same, she had a bf in the army but she still wanted me by her side; she also wanted a ring, a dress, and a skirt every month. so yea, i saved on handphone bills and cab rides home. oh yes, i had my first crush when i was ten and she was nine, she was in the same school bus as me. she was a convent gal and i, an anthonian. our school shared the same compound. she really looked like an angel to me and i would stammer everytime she spoke to me. once i couldn't really understand what she saying so i just smile but she got irratted and gave me a lashing; i remember i spend the next few days crying and never wanting to talk to her again.*sigh* and i was only ten. her name is lean pereira (not sure of the correct spelling though), she was living in amk back then. not really sure what became of her as i stop talking the school bus the following year. well, the story of my far.

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