Sunday, November 20, 2005

paying it forward

another weekend gone... didn't enjoy much of it anyway and it's monday tmr!! i hate mondays and i hate my life at the moment! nothing seem to be going my way. i was pondering the fact about resigning, thought it over and i guess its the best option at the moment. i am just not happy of late..not been myself. as u can see from my previous blog posts. its a tearjearker, if only there were awards for it; I will do a peter jackson!

well, i have nothing against the people there,(now that sound so cliche) they are just great, very helpful. its just the extra work that is slowly killing me. i took this job, so i could find the time to upgrade myself, hopefully start dating girls and find the right one. ;p but i can't do that working 14 hrs; and so i would like to quote queen, "i want to break free!". free to be myself again... to be able to love again...or more like to win the love of someone again. someone i terribly i miss right now. i feel closer to the ones furthest to me at the moment. no one really knows what i'm going thru right now and somehow it really touched me when someone i didnt really know personally, knew there was something wrong and hugged me. it one of those things that one would brushed apart coz the person wasnt the one that u were hoping for. (i am guilty of that too) but somehow that day, it meant something and it really touched me. i guess God sent his angels in various ways. i have had my own share of angels who have helped me along the way.

which bring me to the point of how people can lose faith in HIM so easily just because their prayers were not answered. have we taken into account the ppl who might have come along and offered help but were brushed aside, cause we were all waiting for some divine intervention from above?? even if our prayers were not answered, aren't we thankful to see another day of sunrise? another day for us to reconcile with HIM no because we want our prayers to be answered but to better understand our real purpose here on earth. we can't do miracles but we can lead by example, no matter wot religion u maybe, it teaches us to be good and to lead by example. if only we all could pay it forward! a simple rule which is hard to follow. i'm not out to change the world, i'm just out to change me and u!

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