Tuesday, July 29, 2008

dedicated to the evil world of the kind

maybe I did let myself drift away
maybe I did let myself caught up with something new
but never did i compare the both of you..
i will never do..

i do miss you a lot
and was happy to see your blog..
was childish these couple of days
but glad that we could find a way..
to bring back,
the happy and fun times we once had
to the day i lay down my hat...

remember that i have and will always cherish you

Monday, July 28, 2008

Taking a step back...

was really pissed off at work today and for the first time, the thought of quiting came to my mind. i would not give a flying fuck about anyone and just do my freaking work. was the use of being helpful when you are shot down the very next moment. just be a regular boring guy day in and out. seems like i'm already a boring guy to someone or maybe to everyone out there. I tried to amend things but guess it didn't work, so i'll take a step back and let the hurt subside. take a step back from everything and everyone just be a spectator. I wish to go back to my quiet self and be a nobody... the boring person that once was, the one who was afraid to speak to anyone coz I stammered... the one that people made fun of whenever i spoke or did something wrong.. the one that was nickname 'slow coach' in school and got picked on... the one that nobody gave a flying fuck... i guess no one did. oh yes, love died today and never to be resurrected. love never existed for me for the past three decades so why bother. .

sometimes, sometimes

We said our farewell to Meena on Friday as she looks for greener pasture at the other side of the fence.. :p *Sigh* nobody to share cab with me anymore when I am late for work... wait! (*in yoda voice*) there is another... Adeline!! She stays in Yishun near my brother's place Block 400+ but she's always early for work unlike me who lives 10 mins from the mrt. Oh well, its going to a expensive cab rides in the future..

*sigh* I need a motivation to work!!! The ol'political mambo jambo is now more obvious than ever before.. and I just had a deja-vu that I blogged about this before.. strange! Anyways, firstly we have The Great Pretender who would make Freddy Mercury turn in his grave.. twice. Next we have the Milli Vanilli wannabes. . . hmmm, maybe not, coz the Milli's were pretenders too. (*I swear I can hear Rob laughing here*). oh well, can't think of any at the moment but if i do, i would pen my thoughts down.

*sigh* think of my own doings i have altered some course of actions that cause a reaction that i don't think could be amended ever again. yes, we might have lots of friends and sometimes we are being categorised as being popular. but are we?? we might have 100 to 200 friends on our facebook, friendster etc.. but only a handful are true friends.. if one is lucky. when the music has died down and lights come up, we all do feel lonely too...
another monday, another week of shitloaders.

baby jayden guests apperance...

Baby Jayden made his guests apperance at our office on Friday. Unfortunately, he was sleeping throughout the whole affair and didn't bother about the attention he was getting. As u can see in the first picture, he was giving the face when his dad tried to wake him up and then fell soundly asleep again. :p Isn't nice to be a kid all over again.. hahaha.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Love the new Swatch collection, The Chrono Plastic Collection especially the Mister Chrono SUIB400. The advert is ultra cool too.. it's about Free Running, an up and coming urban sport thats combines phyiscal exercise with dare-devil acrobatic stunts and sheer bravado.

Samba Soccer to Hit Singapore

Samba Soccer to Hit Singapore

Football superstars Ronaldinho and Co. will train in Singapore as part of Brazil's Olympic preparations.. when?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Story of little Jayden & The GodFather

Went to Teban Gardens to Christine's in-law's place to see baby Jayden who is a few days shy of 1 month old. The best part is my colleague Christine stays next block to me but as she's staying with her in-laws (who are catholics and her buddy is a liverpool fan too) I made a trip to the east side... hahaha.

After we had have eaten out fill, we sat at the staircase landing and waited for mummy to bring baby Jayden. Everyone were excited when Christine brought little Jayden who had just woken up. He didn't cry or made a fuss but just observed everybody. Everyone wanted to take a picture with the baby and soon I got the chance. It was really nice holding little Jayden who was yawning away when i was carrying him and he felt asleep in my arms. . so nice. We took a group picture and I returned Jayden to the mummy. Another colleague Grace also had her baby's 1 month old celebration on Saturday which I couldn't make it. Always wondered what babies dream when they sleep.. :)

Anyways, not everyone knows this but my grand uncle passed away on Thursday morning! The funeral was on Saturday morning but I couldn't make it as I had to work. My late grand uncle married my late grandmother's sister who is still alive & kicking!! I always saw him as the God-Father and he has lots of children and grand-children who all respected him. When we were very young, we would go to his place @ Bedok every new year's day. My aunties would ask me and my younger sis to bring our school books too so that they would teach us as we would spend the whole day there. Didn't really liked them at all when I was young coz of the constant scolding I would get if I made a mistake in my math or something else. We would have lunch, dinner and a bit of TV then travelled all the way back to Toa Payoh. That was when I heard 'Guilty' by Barry Gibb & Barbra Streisand and it will always bring me back in time to my grand uncle's place. Looking back if it weren't for them I won't be who I am now and I do appreciate what they have done. There is no love lost and I do feel sad for not able to attend my grand uncle's funeral and I hope he is smoking the Finnest Cigars in heaven. Thanks for everything!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


It hurts to know that things have changed between us..
Part of it is my mistake..
But I do miss you a lot..
Tears will flow but I only got myself to blame..
Do not want my shining star to fade away.

Monday, July 14, 2008

the silence within me...

had a boring weekend but a good deserved break from everything. sometimes u just wanna get away from everything and just be by yourself. don't think I'll ever find that special someone to settle down with, no matter what everyone says. yea, i maybe what i am; but i never had a relationship ever since i was born. never really experienced real love, and don't think I'll ever do. i am just there for people to take advantage and be dumped at a drop of a needle. who would fall for a guy like me.. is money and status all that important? yea, maybe it is, seeing how society are these days. everything is going up and soon we have to kill someone to get what we want but for what? .. when will it end, if it happens!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


another day and i'm still sick... had chest pains ytd @ 4 in the morning. couldn't find anything pain relief tablets so i just drank water and tried to sleep it off which i managed too. went to see the doc in the morning and he couldn't really couldn't be certain if it's related to the heart or just a muscle pull. gave me some medications and told me to monitor the pain. if it still persists, to come back and do a ECG. i remember doing an ECG before with silver cross but i cant remember if it was related to the chest. realised today that poly clinic charges a lot more cheaper that private clinic. . oh well, lesson learnt. ..

anyways, i bought somethings for my nieces at work and i hope they would like it. :) till then, good night to you wherever u may be!!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

we didn't start the fire

it's been a roller coaster weekend with not much of sleep. went clubbing on saturday with gals (:p) and my bro, mel!! went to club colaba @ circular road. thought nothing of the place at first but as the crowds streamed in, i was thinking this could be heaven. never have i seen beautiful indian girls all under one roof and we're talking north indian girls here. there was this one girl with a mix that i can't think of at the moment, she look like a model with legs that never ends...it was like hot!! I wld sure wanna head back there again and this time .. look sharp! *sigh* wish i was a bit taller so i cld stand out from the other good looking guys there. ;p we'll head there next month mel, just don't finish the bottle before that... hahaha.

was home @ 8am+ took a few winks till i realise i was late for my movie date, was supposed to be dhoby gaut @ 11am. couldn't find any cab so i end up taking the train. lucky for me she was understanding.. (i think). we went to watch 'hancock' at plaza sg and big old willy never disappoints. heard the reviews were bad but they're just crap, 'hancock' is a definitely must see and i sure hope there's a sequel. john hancock is no spidey but he's still a superhero. forget the trailers that u see and enjoy the movie.

after the movie we went our separate ways, on a note that we would catch dark knight or hellboy (i think) when it comes out. well, i walked to cineleisure to meet my colleagues who were celebrating rick & asyran's birthday at kbox. it was really fun although i was half asleep at times. my niece (xin lan) and fong ee could really sing and together with jenny, think they could be the next s.h.e.! hmmm.. maybe we can call them "jx'feel"™ :p not telling what it means but think i think it might just work out... hahaha. let's start with star search or something. :p anyways, the place was great and it was really fun. However, there is one little detail that i would like to say, the only thing that really suck about kbox @ 8 level Cineleisure is that the only exit is the lift. the two exits doors that we tried were locked!!! we would all be in seventh heaven now if there was a fire. someone ask what we would do if there was a fire and jason replied, he would go back and continue singing.. hahaha. .. i sure hope the fire safety dept would do a check before something really happens.

anways the rest proceeded to swenson's for dinner but i headed home as i was turning into a zombie due to the lack of sleep. took the train home via marina bay and had a good one hour of sleep. well, it was really a weekend to remember and it was a lesson learnt for some but i won't go into that.

shui hui celebrated her 8 mths annivesary with her boyfriend and am happy for her. found out that my both 'nieces' don't like cheese too, what a concidence.. lol. glad that xin lan like the chip & dale i got for her. realised that i've not been a good 'uncle' of late and i'm really sorry but sometimes it really hard standing beside a shining star :)

think i am going to fall sick.. wait.. i think i am already sick.. *sigh*. i think i should go and rest now.. good night to where ever you are.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Friday @ Chellas

CHELLAS offers a wide selection of food for InDividuals, faMiLiEs, coMpaniEs, coUples, loNers, buDdies, frieNds, laWyErs, doCtors, enGinEers, IT ProFeSSionaLS, BaNKers, PiLOts, Architects, sinGers, dAncErs, Dj's, loAfeRs, hoUseWives, busiNesSmen, criminAlsm & abOve aLL tO tHe peRson wHo Do Not Know whAt tO Do iN LIFE...
Went for dinner at the Chellas ytd @ Serangoon Road and the food was simply amazing. We tried different kinds of idli and dhosai. Deeps and I had tried 4 diff kinds of idli for starters while waiting for Tony. After Tony arrived we had the main course with Sizzler Idli Manchurian as a side dish with a coke float and two sweet lassi. We had about 9 dishes in the end and total damage was only $30.60. I would highly recommend this place to anyone who wld loves Vegetarian Food once in a while. ;)