Me and Robin caught 'Haunted Changi' on Wednesday which was a sneak preview for Golden Village Members. I would say the movie's more like Blair Witch Project meets Paranormal Activity. It did have the occasional scenes that will make you jump from seat. Here's a trailer of the movie.
'The Old Changi Hospital is reportedly one of the most haunted places in the country. Built in the 1930s, it is located at Netherveron Road in Changi Village. During World War II, prisoners of warwere held in the hospital and tortured to death. Spirits of different races and nationalities can be seen wandering around the compound.[29]'
- OCH was originally built as a British military barracks in the 1930s and is actually considered to be one of the most haunted places in the world.
- The Japanese military, who gained control of the island in a 1942 WWII battle known as “The Battle of Singapore,” used OCH as their headquarters from 1942-1945 and there were many rumors of secret tunnels, torture chambers and executions of POWs conducted on the grounds.
- In the 1950s, the former military flashpoint was turned into a public hospital and officially named Changi Hospital.
- The Singapore government shut down operations at Old Changi Hospital in 1997 and it has since been abandoned.
So sit back, relax and enjoy the movie, let your imagination just flow. =)
Next stop, would be Paranormal Activity 2 for the both of us. Wonder how scary it would be compared to the first, which i have to admit was deep shit scary considering that fact some of the things that happened, had happened before in my old place. Next time, I should just cameras ard my house and pick up any paranormal activity. =)
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