Thursday, January 08, 2015
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
It just one of those days ...
I'm just like a fucking time bomb waiting to explode! Then you mutha farkers will know where I'm coming from!! And you dun mess with me. Still talking shit about me. Aren't you tired of that shit!? Get a life won't you. You do not know me or own me! Fuck This Shit and fuck your shit! I don't need you or anybody to paint me a beautiful picture cause what you are really doing is stabbing me in the back!! So back off and taunt me no more of I'll make it short and sweet for you!! ®
' It's just one of those days when you don't want to wake up everything's fucked everybody sucked you don't really know why but you want to justify rippin' someone's head off no human contact and if you interact you life is on contract your best bet is to stay away mutha farkers it's just one of those days'